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Away with the Fairies series 2

October 9, 2023

(series 1 ended back in 2015)

I think I should try and explain but I do really want to keep everyone involved anonymous so maybe I should start by saying if I use a name of a person or place then I have made it up to protect identities.

I also want to state a disclaimer from the beginning. I will be writing some things which some people may be offended by. Just remember I am telling the story as it happens and if I wish to stick to the facts then I should warn you up front. It is not my intention to offend anyone but the generation my relative belongs to is not as adept at being politically correct or socially aware so please bear with me.

Gosh this could get complex.

Lets start with a mini explanation

I have an elderly male relative and like it or not, I am the person who has the job of helping him out on a daily basis. I have done this for the past approximately 11 years now and my help is now required more and more as the years pass.

In early September 2023 he was admitted to hospital after a fall at home. I think that was the day when things really changed. Life had been gradually changing anyway as he aged and his health problems got worse but when I think back, that was the day when……..

Little did I know what lay ahead and what tales I could tell you

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  1. End of an era | Away with the Fairies

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